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Scott Fraundorf

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I'm a cognitive scientist and researcher with twenty years' experience leveraging statistical models, surveys, and experiments to predict human behavior and evaluate educational programs and software.

Currently, I head the MAPLE (Memory And Psycholinguistics in Learning & Education) Lab in the Department of Psychology at the University of Pittsburgh, where I conduct experimental and survey research on student learning, metacognition, and language skills.

I'm also excited about technology, software, and how we can use them to enhance learning and everyday experience. In both my current and past roles, I've helped to develop and evaluate multiple educational technology interventions.

I currently direct quantitative training for Pitt Psychology, where I've had the great fortune to mentor over 70 talented graduate students and faculty in quantitative methods. Some of the techniques I've used include univariate and multivariate regression, machine learning, random forests, mixed-effects models, structural equation modeling, and item response theory. I'm always excited to learn more!

I have extensive statistical and software development skills in Python, R, and SQL. I've developed several open-source toolboxes for data collection and analysis in cognitive science, and I hold 3 patents for intelligent tutoring systems for English grammar.

I'm also skilled at communicating research and data to diverse stakeholders. Over the course of my career, I've worked on a variety of interdisciplinary teams that have taught me how to work effectively with scientists, software developers, educators, businesspeople, and physicians.